Choose Joy

            The week after Thanksgiving feels like catch up. Our families and friends return to their homes. We start back to work. Our kids readjust after the many treats and sweets last week. We feel refreshed, tired, overwhelmed, sad, anxious, lonely, and at peace. So many emotions and so many things to do. With Thanksgiving at a close, we want to remember to remain thankful in all circumstances. How can one do that despite the laundry list of things listed above? Answer: Choose Joy.

            One of the best ways to fight the holiday blues is by choosing joy. This is not something that the Lord thought would be easy when He told us to “rejoice always,” but He did tell us how. Simply that. Rejoice always. Our circumstances do not have to impact our decisions. This means that we can decide and choose to rejoice just as commanded. We can choose to list off all the ways we are thankful. We can choose to worship and praise the Lord. We can choose to say “thank you, Lord, for allowing us to feel deeply and understand grief.” We can rejoice in the goodness of God because He sees us. He loves us.

            When you start to feel the enemy tempting you with negativity, look up. Look to Jesus and tell Him. Say “Lord, right know I feel ____. I want to choose joy, and it is hard. But I commit to choosing joy. Please fill me with your Spirit and help me rejoice always. Please show me all the beautiful things around me. Please fill me with gratitude. Please help me obey your command to rejoice always. Thank you for listening when I talk to you and for helping me when I ask for it. Amen”

            When we choose joy, we become thankful. When we become thankful, we choose joy. What a beautiful cycle to fall into. What a gift.

Written By: Elizabeth Keith